Libraries ​

Explore Lugano's libraries, where students and researchers will find a peaceful environment and comprehensive bibliographic resources to enrich their academic career!

Lugano's libraries

Whether you are an avid reader, a curious student or a researcher, Lugano’s libraries are ready to welcome you on a journey of discovery and learning!




Searchable periodicals

Biblioteca Cantonale

Biblioteca Universitaria USI

Biblioteca Universitaria DTI - SUPSI

FUS Library

Biblioteca Salita dei Frati

Biblioteca Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana

Fonoteca nazionale Svizzera

Biblioteca dell' Accademia di Architettura


Biblioteca della Croce Rossa

Biblioteca SUFFP

Historical Archive of the City of Lugano

The Historical Archive of the City of Lugano hosts more than 1,000 metres of documents and historical books, a climate room for storing photographic negatives and a large reading room.

It also hosts a permanent exhibition dedicated to the Latvian poets Rainis (1865-1929) and Aspazija (1865-1943), who lived in exile in Castagnola from 1906 to 1920.

Archivio storico
Piazza Carlo Cattaneo 1
6976 Castagnola – Lugano 

Giorni e orari di apertura
lu-ve 8.00-12.00
il pomeriggio solo su appuntamento



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